19 October 2010

Roll With The Punches

I've been contemplating the rather daunting decisions my future will soon hold. Do I go to law school? Where? How do I finance it? What will make me happy? Who will make me happy? I cannot answer any of them with absolute certainty, but I suppose those are sorts of questions many ponder. One trait I believe myself to possess that should carry me through whatever happens these next few weeks and onward is that I refuse to lose. Every single thing that happens to us in our lives makes us smarter and opens our eyes just a little bit wider. The important thing is not whether or not I get into law school; But rather, how I will gain control over my destiny once I find out my LSAT test scores.

The applicable nature of what I'm saying is not pertaining exclusively to potential law students, but rather anybody out there reading, wondering what fate may have in store for you. There is both serendipitous events and free-will. They work as one and are certainly not mutually exclusive. Decisions will be made outside your control, but once the reigns are handed over, it is how you make your next move that defines what kind of resilience you possess. Do you fall by the wayside and become another face in the crowd; a cog in the clock? Maybe you might like the sound and security of that. But that isn't how I operate. My drive for success will punch me through the barriers I encounter. Mark my words, you heard it hear first.

Never Quitting,

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