07 November 2010


As thoughts run through my head, I wonder over and over how to tell the world. It truly is a constant flux of thoughts and beliefs. Like the battles of a war void of outcome. I win some, I lose some. And in those moments of doubt, world, I find sanctuary in my love for writing. It is my staple, my constant, my anchor. When so much is unpredictable, to have something so valued and safe in life can do far more than that of any therapy. As sure as the sun setting outside my window now, I emphasize that you heed this paramount advice. Find what makes you happy and exploit it. Use it. Make it your slave without remorse. At the same time, cherish it. Treat it like the God you pray for. Take refuge and lay down with it when the chaos of the world inevitably seeks you out.

I believe in it. I may not belong here, and I may not belong anywhere. But, at the end of the day, whether I'm acting solipsistic or not, I can count on myself and my words to carry me through. If this blog isn't a testament to that, then I'm not sure what is. I can't confirm that anybody will read this as I write. And if I woke up tomorrow the only person left in the world, I would still write. For my sanity and for the hope that should someone stumble across it, that they can take away a small piece of advice to apply to their own lives. Individuality. When you parr it down, that is the quintessential purpose. To be you. To know and trust in your existence, the only existence you can count on. Until you find another existence to count on. To really, truly count on. Then you never let go. Not deep down.

So heed this message well, my friends. Know that I am not preaching. Rather, I'm merely suggesting how I've found what I deem success, and maybe some small sliver of it will help you in some way, whether it be related or not. Sometimes the answers we seek are in the places we don't find ourselves looking. Until next time.


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