18 November 2010


My deepest apologies for nearly a week off the grid. I have been both overwhelmed and under the weather. It all stemmed from an amazing weekend of nearly nonstop raving. Having seen Pretty Lights Friday night, and a 9 hour Detroit warehouse rave on Saturday, I wore down my body to the point of pure exhaustion. It was quite an accomplishment, as I'm always testing the boundaries of what I am capable of. However, it is a dangerous territory in which I delve, as I always take my achieved limitations to mean that I can now go one step further up the ladder rung of physical capability.

I've since enjoyed many long hours of sleep, as my body has locked me out and reduced me to a near-hibernatory state-of-being. Towards the end of it all, I was having some ridiculous hallucinations and dreams. I was falling asleep on the whim, enjoying what several 8-minute naps I could knock out between classes or before work. In that place of extreme existence, I felt so close to a parallel world. The kind of place that coexists but is just out of our mind's grasp. There is much out there that I feel we cannot possibly be aware of, for either a lack of desire to know, or perhaps an inability to comprehend the full extent of this alternate realm. In that exhaustion though, I felt it. The presence was there, and though I was at the end of the rope, I never felt more alive in my life. The things I was seeing, the way I perceived the world around me, it all seemed so trivial in comparison to the plethora of knowledge that existed around me. In the ultimate quest for self-awareness, I began to understand just how minute our roles in the world ultimately are. I considered the triviality of our everyday occurrences, and how we create such drama over the minuscule lives we live. As we become enlightened to the true aura of what is around us, our places in both space and time and how our kindred spirits seek out one another to pass on our troves of knowledge, I began to see like I never quite had before.

It was a matter of going to the edge of the world. Surely anyone can live in the comfort of the bubble around them. In that safety comes sanctity. But for those who wander outside these constructs, there exists a much more invigorating place. The kind of world that tests the bounds of both our imaginations and bodies. Yes, it is one of far graver danger and yes, it is not a place for everybody. It takes a sound mind and the strength of others to support oneself, yet I wholeheartedly believe in this mystical and ethereal place, I belong. I belong to the world outside the conformities of the system, in a place where I can use my gifts of speechcraft and storytelling to help others open their eyes. I will surely fail some, but for each successful being comes an empowering wave of furthering our own meanings in the universe. That is, helping mankind in an ultimate quest to understand, for that is what we all seek, no?

This is the first time I've tried writing about such an inspiring event in my life. I've known of its existence for some time, though I've always believed in my inevitable failure to depict it accurately. I'm fully aware of the ambiguity of such writing, and while some of you will finish this piece believing me to be bat-shit crazy, I want you to know that crazy is merely a different perception of the world in which we live. I do not believe in polar opposites. There is no good and evil, nor right and wrong or else crazy and sane. We live in a world that is painted in shades of grey--for all possess both good and evil, the ability to make decisions and bear the consequences of their actions, and most certainly possess the potential to innately make insanely rational decisions. If you at all should like to consider further with me the deeper roots which feed the source of my latest revelations, please leave your comments below or else, if a friend, you know how to get in touch with me.

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