19 February 2011

Description Exercise

In regards to noise I have several favorites:

1. I am particularly fond, though I'm uncertain why, to the sound of distant trains. The muted whistle, warning the lone trucker--inevitably weary, as the mystery of the blinking lights and uncommon stop invigorating him in conjunction with the cool night air. At least that's what I imagine to be taking place as that particular sound lulls me to a deeper slumber.

2. Today, I discovered my enjoyment of a nylon flag cracking in the mercy of the wind. On an given blustery day, one can hear the distinct noise as the taught flag ripples without free will. The sound makes me think of the open sea and life in a place that time as man knows it has been virtually eliminated. There is a correlation between this particular noise and the way in which it commands respect. As a result, it can only come naturally to raise ones head in curiosity at the object which it represents.

That is all for now! More to come later :)

1 comment:

  1. Love this. You make me want to try it. Expect imitation. It is the sincerest form of flattery after all.


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