05 October 2011


You are my horizons,
The edge of my existence,
how I begin and end my every day.
You're as far as I can see,
The outer limits, my painted sunset.
My hope through the dark night
and the reassuring perpetual sunrise.
Consistent, yet diverse.
Stable, but never content.
Strive with me to change the world.
My dearest friend, my love of loves
go freely and forward to your destiny.
Forge your life, and if you will it,
come back and find me.
I won't soon turn my back,
but rather stand by yours.
If you falter, then you falter,
but I'll always be there to help you up.
I'm so happy for the time we've had,
and for showing me how to care.
My eternal gratitude, my eternal love.
In whatever form of that love you'll have.
I'll stay truly yours.

1 comment:

  1. I love the extended metaphor! Glad you keep writing :)


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