04 November 2010

A State of Fuckery

Oh, Michigan. I'm becoming steadily more disappointed in you and the quality of life as time goes on. Yes, this is a rant. Just a warning. If you don't want to read it, don't. But there are two things that are very disconcerting to me. The first is the couch ban in Ann Arbor. No more couches on porches, says the city. The reasoning: A couch on a porch caught on fire and a student died. I feel bad for the student, I really do. But really, what kind of bullshit knee jerk reaction is that? If a couch inside a house caught fire and killed a student, would they ban furniture inside houses? Doubtful. If a house caught on fire in Ann Arbor, would they ban houses? What kind of stupid fucking question is that? It just is annoying that after hot debate, the best solution was to remove furniture from porches, a staple of my college lifestyle once I lived off-campus. I can't even remember how many days we'd sit out overlooking Packard on the couch, rain or shine. Bring our computers and some left-over pizza, maybe a flat beer too and sit on the porch and talk. Not anymore because apparently couches on porches kill people exclusively.

Second thing I'm pissed about: Banning 4Loko. More particularly, banning in Michigan all 55 alcoholic energy drinks. A few documented cases of hospitalized kids is a media frenzy. Surely more frat/sorority girls go to the hospital for alcohol poisoning on a weekly basis. Yet there are no efforts to curb that. Instead, the media is running away with a public panic and inducing hysteria to the masses about something that should be more carefully regulated. They say children have it in refrigerators at home. Yeah? Well if parents gave a shit a little bit more, maybe they would see the energy drink says "contains alcohol" in 7 different places. This is not an issue of 4Loko being potent or lethal compared to any other alcohol. Rather, it is an issue of how people are stupid.

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