Song of the Moment: Tiesto - Feel It In My Bones
Well, world. I'm feeling rather motivated. Even a little borderline cocky. I've been working on law school applications, despite my general disinterest in pursuing it over a life of fame and infamy in the form of being an important canonical author of the 21st century. I've got the world in my hands and I don't feel as though I have any limitations. There are no real ties holding me down and the sky is the limit. It is refreshing knowing I can forge my future, do what I want and not have to worry about any real repercussions for my actions, for now anyways. Maybe on Tuesday I'll change my mind and get worried. Therein lies the beauty of youth. Worlds come and go and change at the drop of a hat. Single conversations act like icebergs, singing the unsinkable, leaving behind hundred to the frigid unforgiving depths of the winter ocean. But for now, I'm looking at the sun rising each next morning. It is almost like feeling invincible. I even took on the task of a complete website redesign tonight. I always seem to stretch myself thin, but if I'm not testing my limits, then I'm not really living. I might as well try to hit every extreme imaginable. And with an imagination as warped and potential ridden as my own, I feel like I'm crafting the ground I put each foot down on each day. No need to rest after six days, because there is surely some way I can further my goals on day seven. OK, I'm ego checking myself now, for my own good and to keep you from thinking that I'm having delusions of grandeur. Don't worry about me though. I'm not going to let myself fail. You're reading my writing here, but hopefully someday, when you, my faithful readership, have your respective families and lives and careers on all parts of the world, you come across something written about me. That would really bring a smile to my face. I would know, for certain, what I'm anticipating so heavily in this post. Go ahead and call me the next Kanye West, being so arrogant and boldly stating it to the world. It is OK. There is no such thing as bad publicity. I'll deal with each problem as they happen, one at a time, because that is how success is made. Never giving up. For to accept defeat either means you've learned something new, which may mean a loss of a battle, but the war persistently wages onward, or else, it means you didn't try hard enough. There is no way to be considered a loser if you gave it 100%, and then some. Just know that your mind is your greatest friend and your greatest enemy. The emotions you experience can draw you down into the murky depths of self-doubt, a place which in no way will help you grow. Conversely, the bounds of your mind also dictate the pace at which you further your achievements. That's all for now. Expect some poetry next post.
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