10 February 2011

Update or Reflection

I wonder if I can write sometimes? Really, truly write. It seems, at times, there is a impenetrable field to the writing elite. Does it require the fine tuning of academia? Most certainly not, though that proves to be a quicker path to such endeavors. It has definitely been awhile. Eighty-Four posts in 2010, as I began WnW in October, but then only 10 posts in January and this is the first in February? It disappoints me, and I'm sure it disappoints you. I'm working on it. My new approach is to soak up some approaches, tactics, etc. from the greats--canonical or not. I have a list of about 250-300 books I want to read, so maybe I'll buy a Kindle and start cranking away. There is also the evergrowing pile next to my bed. Next up: "On the Road", followed by "Kafka on the Shore." It's a start, but pales in comparison to the greatness of the authors that shall consume several long summer evenings in the arboretum.

I am not sure. There is a lot going on right now with graduation, finishing strong, my job search and several more mundane tasks. Not that I'm making excuses, I'm rather just stating that I feel somewhat in a slump. It isn't as severe as writer's block, but nevertheless I'm frustrated by it. I think that part of it relates to the lifestyle I'm currently living. It has been fairly uneventful other than the obligations I have. I think that a part of being in author is the constant quest for drama or adventure. I'm always so eager to write, and it comes so easily following a fight, a breakup or some sort of event out of the ordinary. I hope I'm not destined to be a great writer in lieu of a content and happy life. Not that man should ever be content. To be so would relegate myself to settling, which I cannot foresee happening. 

I'm hoping that by rambling and changing things up from the usual poetry, maybe by sharing more of a reflective response, I can break the trend I've been encountering with a lack of will and desire to post. I don't assume that it will be successful, but anything is worth a shot really. For each word assembled into a sentence I discover new ways to tell the world. Speak my mind as to what needs addressing. It'd be vain to assume my problems matter to anybody else, but hey, you're here to read my works anyhow, so I guess I can't be too far off. I'm in the process of getting a novel blueprinted. I need a whiteboard to map my story arcs. Only a few more months of school left, then the golden doors to authorship shall open for me as I unleash something original to the world straight from my mind. Be on the lookout. Once I set my mind to something, you better believe I'll do everything in my power to make it happen. If I fail, at least I gave it my all. Yeah right, I won't fail.


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