13 February 2011

To My Potential Valentine

To My Dearest Counterpart,

Here we are, two souls on our respective journeys. Somewhere along the way, our paths crossed. I can't pretend to know how long our lights will shine together, illuminating the dark path into the future, but for as long as you are a companion on my journey, I feel blessed by your presence. The camaraderie that has grown between us has proven most resilient to the elements. When I flicker, you prove your ability to reinforce me, and likewise I to you.

I could spend words and paragraph explaining what truly binds us, but it would be in vain. It isn't your pristine eyes, nor the way you stun the world with every photograph in which you grace your presence. Those are the traits that make you the person you are. They intrigue the world, but by no means does it prod at my heart. Rather, the inexplicable notion that the world falls into balance, a sort of harmony when we find ourselves together. I've lost many long nights with the kind of people I had to convince myself mattered. It is plain and simply natural though to pass my time with you.

As we continue down this road, there will be inevitable and unpredictable discord. It would be wrong and a dishonor to what February the fourteenth could really mean to pretend that such happenings are nonexistent. Know this though, my partner: It is in those moments of uncertainty and disagreement that test our resolve. To embrace those imperfections is to stay on the same path; the same solid ground that has guided us thus far. Should the path split, then we will find ourselves continuing our journey. For better or worse, I cannot say.

What I do know is that I believe in our espirit de corps. We found ourselves walking along this road for a reason, bolstering one another while simultaneously learning the lessons we've discovered in our previous struggles. For that, I wish to extend my thanks and my love. May it persist long and provide us the friendship that transcends all else.

Most Graciously Yours,

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