18 October 2010

Love Letter Unaddressed

My sweetest _________.
I find myself simply floored by the fire you have ignited within my ailing heart. I most honestly emphasize each carefully chosen word, as I deliberate how to best explain how you have mended that which life has thus far tested within my control. Whether you come to realize from these lines that I admire a long gaze into your expansive eyes or the warmth of touching your cool, delicate hands, those traits alone are not unique. What sets you apart, love, from all the rest is your collected voice, assured pose. More deeply-seeded, it is how you believe in you. That simple fact makes you beautiful, more than the silkiest of hair or fairest of skin. You know how to infect a room with your ubiquitous optimism, an undying hope for the best in men; that those around you can be disarmed with your smile, a resonating laughter which possesses the power that ancient kings would risk death for. In your strength, I aspire to fortify my own. An inspiring woman, I find myself thanking you for showing me the finer points of love and how to be the best man I possibly can.

Believe me yours forever sincerely,
October 12th, 2010

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