21 October 2010

Bukowski/Not Quite Bukowski

I will shortly start reading Bukowski. It should be very enlightening and useful to further my own writing agenda.

On an unrelated note, here is a poem I'll throw together in the next few minutes before I fall asleep on my keyboard:

By Trey Campbell

My eyes will grow heavy as I feign sleep
To the outside world, appearance I keep
And to those who get in, soon you will see
I'd rather spend my time in reverie
Than unconscious to the world and what's wrong
The dreams cannot last for all of that long
Before my eyes open 'gain in the morn
Where once was a rose, there now rests a thorn
A valid point that still knows how to hurt
My power rests in words, so I'll be curt
You'll have enough time to sleep when you die
Remember it's "see you" and ne'er goodbye.

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