30 December 2010


My day ends as yours begins
And the sun has yet to
Rev it's celestial engine
To melt the glassy ground,
Frozen by the cold heart
Of the night, and maybe
A little bit of slushy rain.

Despite the frigid ice below,
Crackling under my heavy weight
The air is docile, percolated
Only by the residual droplets
Of water falling from treecicles.
I wonder why I'm up this early
Or if I'm "up" if I didn't lay down.

I see windows filled with light
Dotting the dark down the street.
It is a foreign world to me, Dawn,
And I find myself enamoured by
The introspection it allows.
Unlike the rest of our fast-paced world
There is a chance to forget about Time.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS. the enjambment, the imagery. it's really great.


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